This woman ….. Lisa Huba Fasulo , from New York , who got her start in the industry building and selling needles to local shops , went on to open up a tattoo shop . She now owns and operates a “Tattoo School” with Locations in Albany, NY , and San Diego, CA . Her facebook is locked down and you cannot request to be her friend . Apparently she is not very well like in the area that she is in.
The following people are involved with the show and the “Tattoo School” :
Charlie Dejesus – Shop Manager / Instructor
Lindsey Kate Adams- Instructor
Jeremy Garner- Instructor - His Facebook
This is from the tattoo school website : a few excerpts from there enrolment process , tuition costs , etc .
What does the tuition include?
* A professional tattoo machine, yours to take home.
* 80 Hours of tattoo instruction with certified, experienced, award winning, tattoo instructors.
* FREE lodging for 2 weeks.
* Dozens of willing, pre-screened human models for you to learn and practice on.
* Use of all our equipment at our State of the Art tattoo training facilities.
* Informational binder with all the important contacts and sources for all things “tattoo related”.
* DVD of machine tuning produced by the TLC staff.
* Tattoo techniques textbook
* Tattoo License permit (as per county)
* Certificate of Completion upon course graduation.
* Tattoo Learning Centre T-Shirt.
* 3 “during school” lunches.
* Transportation to and from the student housing daily.
* DVD with digital pictures of all the tattoos you completed while at school (enough for a beginning portfolio).
*** LOTS and LOTS of nurturing and emotional support that makes us the finest tattoo school!
Please help by contacting Discovery / TLC to prevent this show from airing , let alone becoming a regular staple in the viewing schedule of the American public .
This is a link to the BAN on the T.V. Show - Facebook Page
This is a link to the Group against the T.V. show – Facebook Page
This is a link to contact Discovery / TLC – Contact
TLC’s Facebook Page : Facebook
The ” Tattoo School ” Facebook page – Facebook (WAS REMOVED)
Please join me in supporting this BAN on both TLC and the Tattoo School TV Show. These people are crooks and these students should know that the Tattoo School will do nothing but hurt theirchances of working with real tattooers . EVER.