About time for a new update ey, don't you say?
I've been swamped with loads of personal stuff and work over the past 2 weeks, good times!
Bribes, threats and breaking sweats. (album launch dates to be announced)
see, i made a funny. lacking humor? get the traits you lack tattooed on you... its a start.
1. Stable Color is now available, please get in touch if you would like to buy some. I will be at the Jo'burg convention this weekend with stock, limited though but get at me to avoid disappointment.
2. I will be getting in some thermal copiers next week, the prices are sharp and the quality is outstanding, for more info mail me at info (@) lighthousesupply.co.za. make your shop more efficient, stop fucking around with hand stenciling back-pieces, get one.
3. If you require anything that I do not have on the site, please just mail me, i can and will source you what you need, guaranteed. if i actually don't have it, I have some stuff that I have not put on the site yet... Like this free-standing light, but i have only black in stock... pretty cool huh? order that shit now!
Tomorrow I leave with Tyler and Lee form Sins of Style for the Jo'burg convention, we are driving, so this should be a road trip of note, i will blog photos and events on our return, if we return.
Check out this tattooer, he goes by the name of David Chaston or Davey Johnston, he just returned from guest spotting around Europe, and his work is solid, in my personal opinion one of the most talented tattooers around South Africa, if not THE most talented. a Gifted young white African with a black penis the size of a school bus, no shit, its like a unspoken urban legend around here, nobody talks about it out of fear that they might awaken "it". he rules hard!