This is not normally something I will blog about but I am really saddened and sickened by this.
Whoever did this, your next life, I am very sure, will suck pretty fucking bad.
a Rhino call ABSA was dehorned by poachers and left fighting for his life, he passed away this morning, another Rhino was also dehorned and killed, and a third Rhino was darted but not dehorned
"ABSA was the first rhino reintroduced to Aquila and to the Western Cape in over 250 years after being shot out by hunters. ABSA fathered the first two rhino calves born in the Western Cape in this time. The surviving rhino was one of the two fathered by him."
Read the full article on NEWS24's Website
Aquila Private Game Reserve is offering a R100 000 reward to any information leading to the arrest of the poachers.
For some scary statistics regarding poaching in South Africa, see the following CHART, 2011 still to be updated